
Today has been gloomy and it is making me sleepy. But, all in all, it is not detracting from my overall fantastic mood! I have been feeling productive lately and getting a lot accomplished and I feel amazing when I know I have put in some hard work and started see some results.

This weekend was pretty packed. Friday night consisted of me having dinner with Meera at Islands, which is always so much fun! That seems to be our place to go for "chick dinners". I realize how cool it is to have girlfriends again -- at least girlfriends that aren't out to screw you over or stab you in the back...After our fun dinner, I met up with Luis and we had pseudo date night, which was rad! We decided to do something out of the realm of the norm for us. This started by us getting in the car without any plans and just driving. Our adventures carried us to H-214 for a bit...then to coldstone for a delectable dessert...and THEN, we went down to Corona Del Mar. We picked up some liquid treats at the liquor store and headed down to the beach. We found this little part where not too many people were, sat on the random solo lifeguard tower, talked and had our drinks. It was sooooo relaxing and a whole lot of fun. I want to start going down there more -- it is such a good way to just chill.

Saturday was interesting. I woke up and got my hair done and in the process gave the hairdresser love advice, which was a unique experience. Following that, I treated myself to lunch at Thai Spice, which was grub, talked on the phone to Silvia, showed up at the Campus Rep retreat for the last 20 minutes, talked to Bryan, picked up Meera and attempted to go to target. I say attempted, as our efforts were haulted as a result of another errand that came up. Before too long, Meera and I treked to Coffee Bean and analyzed the meaning of life and made it to target. Shopping for the White Trash Bash consequently commenced.

Speaking of the White Trash Bash, I had fun! I went dressed as a pregnant skank -- and cousins to my "baby's" daddy. (the baby was an enormous skene of yarn). The cops were a buzz kill, but overall I had some fun. I drank more that I had realized -- coupled with the fact that for dinner I simply consumed french fries...yeah...I was pretty tipsy...

Sunday was productive. Did grocery shopping and picked up my dry cleaning and all that stuff. But I also made dinner for Luis: Bratwurst & onions, macaroni and cheese, and peas with bread and brown mistard and Oranjeboom beer. It was fun! I also baked an angel food cake, which had not cooled by the time I was ready to bring Luis his grub...but that is cool...

As for today, my class was cancelled, but I am planning to go to school anyhow. I need to study TONS. I am having a sandwich dinner in Aldrich Park with Luis. Then, I think I am gonna work out. I feel so out of shape it is gross! my boss is in the hospital to have her baby, but the poor thing is having complications...My thoughts are with her that everything goes smoothly...

Ok -- that's all for now...
10-4 -- over and out...