
I have been in such a foul mood all day and I need to get out of it. I know come 4pm I will be a happy little camper, but until then I have been brooding.

I found out like 2 hours ago that part of the reason of me still being in excruciating pain in my mouth is that one of my wisdom teeth is trying to break through -- which explains the remaining aching in my teeth and also why they are now getting crooked. (Damn, I feel like a teething baby the way I am whining and shit...) All I know is I am over this week!!!

Now, the fact that I am in pain has been making me crabby all day because all i want to do is eat a normal meal and i physically have trouble doing this. Thus, I have not eaten much in nearly a week (have lost actually close to 5 pounds, so now instead of having to gain that 5 pounds I have been "workin" on, I have to gain more like 8 or so...the doctor told me i need to and that made me irritated...it isn't like i haven't been trying!).

But the real cruxt of my miffed mood stems from the fact that I have to take a bunch of unexpected time off here and there and it seriously conflicts with my availability to go to Europe this summer. So, in essence, I am over the fact that I have felt like crap and been hungry for a week, and I can deal with getting my wisdom teeth out and gaining weight and all that, but it breaks my heart to think that I might not be able to go on my trip this summer...I guess I am just going to have to wait and see...

I just needed to vent...everything will work itself out -- and I feel better just pouring out this frustration. WHEW!! :) i feel a bit better...