
So I have been battling with my blog as of late...I have been compelled to update an entry, but I have been incredibly at a loss for words (which is utterly amazing). I login to Blogger, sit down, and start to type only to sign out before I am even through with my thoughts. I have too much swimming in my head but no desire to really write about it...Why? Because I am becoming more and more aware of my triviality. Now, that's not to say that "I feel my life is trivial" or that "my experiences are trivial" or any of that...I just merely concluded that more often than not, I sit at my computer terminal and crank out meaningless drivel at a record pace...I like to Blog because it is a form of a journal. I use it to vent and as an attempt at exercising my brain -- which seems to be a task that occurs less and less in my daily life. But at the same time, I realize how much nothingness I have to say when I talk about how I am feeling, et. al...I have been wanting to use Blogger as a forum for my creative writing -- but that has always been something I have guarded, and the thought of everyone being able to read my passages kinda scares me...Why the fear? Because, I am deeply terrified that I am going to discover that the one ability in which I am confident I am simply mediocure. (damn, i can't even spell!!) Food for thought...

On that note, things have been going really well overall. I have determined some of the problems I had been having (work, life, etc) and have been taking conscious steps to fixing them. The progress so far has been exceedingly positive! Not only am I noticing a difference in the things and people around me, but I am much happier as well.

Last weekend was such fun!! Talking with Meera helped me to see how wonderful my friends truly are and how absolutely lucky I am to have them in my life. I hung out all weekend and drank and laughed and did things I felt like I hadn't done in a while. I completely moved out of Greenfield on saturday which was an enormous weight off of my shoulders. I feel as though I am experiencing "tabula rasa" and I am loving it! Although I was a bit saddened to leave my key at 57 Greenfield it was a good thing.