
Last night I went to the block and had an opportunity to hang out with Meera. It was great to hear about her trip and to reflect on various subjects that are often on the brain.

So I have been trying to figure out how to add links to other blogs and it is quite frustrating, as I think I am doing it right, I republish and then nothing happens...grrr...

This week is shaping up to be crazy busy with all the social activities I have planned. Tonight (i think) I am going to Brea to hang with Silvia for dinner. Tomorrow, I am going to lunch with my grandparents and then maybe at night hang out with my fella.
Thursday, work till noon then take the train to san diego to hang with the parents. Friday is the ship christening. saturday is catch up day with the folks. Sunday, back on the train and back to the OC...I am pretty stoked, as I enjoy the train more than most...

I am not in the mood to focus on this stuff today...then again, am I ever in the mood to focus on work?

I really want to take some sort of high-impact, crazy endurance-testing sort of work-out class. I feel so out of shape, but I know that lately when I go to work out, I am not really working hard...I want to do something that is going to benefit my body, not just pass the time.

Last night's conversations about "where we are going to end up in life" really made me think. I am not worried about what's going to happen, as I truly believe that things fall into place the way they are meant to...But instead I was yet again thinking about whether or not I am settling professionally on a steady pay check instead of going after what I have been dreaming about. I am torn between reality and the imagination and questioning which of the two is the "safe" bet...But if I play it safe all my life, does that really get me anywhere? I have been making strides lately to encourage personal strenght in my business behavior, and not to proverbially pat myself on the back, but I am proud of myself for being able to take a stand and hold on to my convictions. I am figuring the only way to move up (in any profession) is not just to be seen working hard day in and day out, but at the same time to be heard...I am simply looking to command respect...

Stream of consciousness writing really is cathartic...