
Okay, so "10.5" was the cheesiest shit I think I have ever sat down and intended to watch...I watched for the hype of the "special effects"...and I think by *special* they meant it in the *little school bus* sort of way...I kind of liked how they did the space needle collapse, but the rest was so lame...but good drinking game material...

Speaking of drinking game...the "OC" season finale is tomorrow and I am looking forward to it...

Okay, just got a hopeful phone call...my boss is talking about my potential again and it is enough to excite me...I think I liked learning the Schwab aspect of the business and I woulddn't mind working on the accounts management aspect...but that job is hard core...As my boss said "well, who knows what this quarter is going to bring." What is actually kinda scary about all this is I can see a CAREER in this...damn, that is so weird...

Things I want to do this summer (starting ASAP):

*Party like a rock star in vegas (again)
*Save money
*Look into getting my car windows tinted
*Go to mexico for a week
*Get back into tennis
*Get on a routine work-out plan
*Hang out tons with the girls
*Go to Santa Barbara/Solvang (but just once) to see how life has changed...
*Cook more
*Make more time to read instead of watching tv

This weekend was good. I hung out with the parentals in Coronado/San Diego. My mom and I hung out and chatted and walked around and did the jacuzzi scene. We BBQ'd like everynight...drank...watched cheesy tv...went downtown to go shopping (for work attire) and I did a superman-like face plant into the middle of a crosswalk and skinned my knees...I haven't done something like that since i was in elementary school...it was incredibly funny...and a bit embarrassing. I realize how much i miss hanging out with my parents. They are cool people that I don't ever get to spend time with...I am debating going home for memorial day...we shall see...

I am the luckiest girl in the world :-)
I have amazing people around me that bring out the best in life...