
speak and spell
You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn't
mean you weren't educational, you sneaky

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hahaha - I really am a nerd! This is actually kind of ironic that I got this of all toys... Quizzes are entertaining...

I am actually going to pub night tonight and I am kinda stoked! I have been wanting to go out lately, so this is a good start.

I am not going to head home this weekend as originally planned...Not sure how I really feel about that move, but I think it was for the best for now. Although I am a bit bummed that I won't get to hang with some of my aussie cousins on this go-around...oh well, next year, I hope.

Molly and I are potentially having a BBQ on Sunday to help celebrate this fabulous up-coming three day weekend! Sweet! Two long weekends in a row for me!!

The maddening headache that has been fogging my brain for the last 2 days has finally eased up a bit and I am in the best mood!!

Aaaah...I love having days when nothing can bring you down!!!