
I am exhausted!

Another great weekend full of activity and sentiment...

*Thursday night pub/ice blocking
* Friday night party at the English Girls' place & party at the Irvine Meadows Trailer park. (went to bed at 5am) (Best quote of the weekend: "We need to go find Dustin in the trailer park!")Walked around campus with 40's and got hasseled by housing staff because they thought we were residents (too funny!)
* Saturday Dustin Graduated. Mat, Luis and I pummeled him with Silly String and Champagne (cooks, no less!). Drinks with the Shafae's at their hotel
* Saturday Luis and I also drove to LA to help celebrate with Don & Vanessa for her graduation. Good times!
* Sunday went to Dustin's grad. BBQ at Thomas's house. Keg of Pyramid Hef., Hanging out with the Sanchez family, getting thrown in the pool in my clothes, hanging out with Dana, eating and drinking tons.

It seems to me that in a blink of an eye life will be different...good-byes are only permanent if you want them to be...home is where you are comfortable...and no matter where you end up in the end, it is the experiences you have and the people you share them with along the way that make your life what it is...