Why did I get out of bed today??
Not to use a lame cliche, but when it rains, it freaking pours...
It seems as though I am getting sick. I know it is my allergies, but I feel like I have a fever and I am achy and I just want to go back to bed...
Then, my mom emails me with a strange (and terrible) message. I call her to see if she is okay and she breaks down into tears, which is highly unlike her...This made me cry and we had a long chat about what has been going on...Not good news...Made me sad and hurt and angry all at the same time...
Then, I find out that my review has been rescheduled and the annoying person that works from home and hassles me about lame shit wants to be on my review panel...fucking great...he is going to give me the worst review....the only saving grace I have is that it looks as though Eve will be on my panel too, which may work in my favor...
I spilled a client lunch all over the floor today...forgot to water the plants and now 2 of them look like they are dying and I got called on it...the fax machine broke...i am blowin' it today...
I just should have stayed home...but you know, this is what I get for not being here last week...It is my own damn fault...I shouldn't complain...there are worse things in life...I just really want to rest my head on my pillow and forget about all the drama...
c'est la vie
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