
40 ounces to freedom...

Listening to Sublime while driving to work put me in such a great mood...sounds strange, but it's true. :)

Last night I felt like the biggest lop on the face of the earth - and it was completely fixable and I opted to not...I really was in the mood to go somewhere or do something...but instead I opted to stay home and save money...that's all good and well, but instead of being productive, what did I do? I sat on my ass...Could have done laundry...could have studied...could have gone to work out...but no...I was a lazy brat who merely furthered the softening of my brain by watching mindless television...i should have read or done some sort of mind exercise, but yeah...i watched tv....oops...

I am ecstatic that I am not moving!! I can afford to do a few things here and there instead of worrying about how I am going to be able to pay for stuff...AND, I think my parents are going to have to be in the San Diego area for Christmas, so I am going to see if I can cook Christmas dinner at my house!! I am even going to try to cook the dinner. I think that will be so fun! (providing everyone likes each other at that point...) Anyone want to come?? :)