The cat is away...
And the 4 of us mice that are left are unable to play... :(
As you can guess, virtually the entire office is out for one reason or side of the office is completely empty and the analysts (+ Wanda) are the only other ones here...I have been unmovitated to work at a productive pace...fighting the urges to simply surf the internet all day and play zuma...but that would be against my work ethic i must get my shit together and do something with myself...
The Presidential debates were last night and were not as dry as I was anticipating...I have to admit, I think both major party candidates are tools...I really don't like much as I hate to give approval to him, I think Johh Kerry was concise, cogent, and confident...He did an overall acceptable job with his rebuttals...I honestly do not know who I am going to vote for...Usually I have some semblance as to who I want in office, but this is the first year I am not "sold" by one candidate...I see all sides...I am not drawn by party affiliation this election whatsoever (contrary to jibes from my previous voting record...) I think when I exercise my right to vote, I am going to envoke an abstention vote...hmmm...we shall see...I still have a couple weeks of research to do to figure it out...
I need a place to live...and soon...
I need a job that pays better...after talking to Julie last night I realized that I am getting shafted on my salary...
Tomorrow is the Dodger game, which I am really looking forward to! Tailgating is sure to come!! Sweeeeet!
Here is a side tangent for all y'all to think about: when a person develops a plan for something (i.e. life goals), does it ever come to fruition?? I mean, the more I plan for things and try to accomodate all my hopes, dreams, and realism, I find that I am always led astray from the path of whichI was hoping to map...So, is it even useful to make a plan? Or are plans just a scapegoat for being frustrated or upset when things don't go your way? I don't know what I think...I mean, I have a career plan...and it is kinda sticking to what I want...but at the same time, I keep ammending it to fit my life when things don't go the way I had anticipated...I am rambling and making no sense...mostly because I just looked at the clock and I could have SWORN it was at least lunch time...but alas, I still have about 2 more hours before I can leave for my break...shit...
This work-week has been a waste of my precious time...
I will probably blog again today, since I am doing little to nothing...
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