
Today I am too trendy for my own good ...

I am wearing a variation of all black and red shoes... :) I look as though I should be working at a cosmetics counter at the mall...

All in all I am in much better spirits today - essentially because there have been several accomplishments: 1) saw my dad, which helped with the wave of homesickness that came out of no where; 2) I was assured by my dad, his friends, and my boyfriend that the damaged on my vehicle is not bad at all and I shouldn't worry about it - and although I still have to shell out the $$$ to fix it, it isn't as bad as originally anticipated; 3) and there is a good chance I won't have to move, which is making my bank account happy due to all my impending expenses.

Last night's dinner was really fun. Dad, Luis, Chris, Jeff & I had drinks in the lobby of the Westin before Chris suggested going to the Clubhouse for dinner at South Coast. We grubbed on some really swanky food and drinks (I had a flirtini - which is essentially a martini with champagne and some other fun alcohol mixed) and even dessert! The conversation was lively and entertaining and it was just all-around needed. I was so happy Luis got to share in the fun with my dad and his friends too - he got to put some faces to names, which was good.