
Tick tock...

Too much time has passed since I have blogged...There is so much I wanted to talk about, but I feel this entry is going to be merely a summary and far from the in-depth post for which I have been yearning to pen...

New Year's Eve was amazing - one of the most memorable by far! By now all of the details and excitement of the trip has been recounted and I will rely on the blogs of my friends. One thing I will say is I am completely enamoured with San Francisco and could really see myself living there one day...But a big thank you goes out to the Shafae family for having us up to the Sha-fortress.

The week after New Year's brought immense rain and destruction...winds, floods, mudslides...reminded me a bit of the Fredensborg Canyon all over again (I doubt anyone will catch the reference)...that following weekend, Luis and I went to Pasadena to celebrate Silvia's 24th Birthday at McMurphy's. I proceeded to get crunk as hell, which was hilarious - especially to myself. I have re-discovered that I must have a chemical intolerance to tequila, and vowed, yet again, that I will never drink that rot-gut again. We took a cab (half a block) to our hotel and I crashed where I landed (which was kinda on the bed still in my clothes). I was awoken the next morning to a serious hangover and the damn fire alarm. Luis and I, in a disoriented state, stumbled down the stairs and outside (into the rain) to wait for the Fire Department with the rest of the disgruntled hotel guests. We decided after nearly an hour of no resolve of the fire alarm situation to pack up our ish, check out, and camp out on his parents' couches. We watched movies and ate and recouped.

The week at work which followed really sucked monkey balls...I was beyond stressed and after a sob fest in the ladies room I decided this is enough...I need a change...Maybe a change of venue...Maybe a change of residence all together...definitely a change of perspective...I will just have to see what happens.

Last weekend (the 3-day holiday converted into a 4 day weekend) was a much needed mental respite. Luis and I flew home to Portland. We were "iced in" on saturday and couldn't leave the house. It was really cool actually, as all the roads, driveways, houses, windows, everything! Luis and I tried to take a step out on to the drive way and soon realized we needed ice skates, not shoes. Instead of hitting the town, we watched movies, played cards, napped, ate, drank, and were merry. It was super relaxing. Sunday we were finally able to get out of the house and took the Max (Portland's version of muni) into the city. We walked from one district to the next, just exploring the ethnic neighborhoods and checking out the scene. Headed home in the early evening to meet up with my dad and go to Outback for dinner. After some grub, went home and played more cards. Luis and I left monday night - and thanks to the first class tickets we had (courtesy of my frequent flyer miles), we just barely made our flight. We had flowing vodka beverages and played some more cards and talked and stuff...It was a good trip - I was stoked to show Luis around and it was good to go home. Sometimes everyone needs to go home for a bit...

This week has been more of the same frustration, although I have decided I dont want it to bother me anymore. I applied for 2 jobs online and will hopefully apply for another tomorrow or monday, depending on when i can get my cover letter re-written. I have spent a majority of the day here at work not really working, but figuring out what I want in my career...I need to start being productive before someone catches on to my ploy...Things are on the up...I hope...

Gotta get some stuff done in the next 15 minutes before i leave for lunch...

To be continued in another installment...