
Vivid & Strange...

And so describes my week...

In the midst of ineffective medicine, betrayal, declining splendor of what was considered invincible, lonliness, and all out unintelligible fuck ups, I type with a smile on my face...Sure, I want to laugh and cry all at the same time...Naturally, my beer doesn't taste as good as I endure a solo mission of OC viewing...Maybe I have been having incredibly disturbing nightmares that wake me in the wee hours of the morning in a cold sweat...So what if I felt like every single thing I touched today turned into a pile of shit...there is this awkward solace in knowing that tomorrow is my tabula rasa...

I am not meant to know why shitty things happen to good people...

...but i walk away with a reaffirmed understanding that in the end it all works out...

"And so castles made of sand melt into the sea...eventually"~ simply put...