
Catharsis from Rock Bottom

It's kinda funny...just when you think life has thrown every curve ball it can in your direction, something else unexpectedly knocks you to the ground.

But you know what is awesome? When "the fog" lifts, you are able to see what is important so much more clearly.

I think way too much and create more stress in my life than is necessary...Life is too short to be so pensive. I need to go out and drink and laugh and put to rest the demons of the past couple of months...I need to accept that it is okay to grieve and not okay to pretend there is nothing wrong. I need to remember that the people that really love me and are the ones that I tend to step on the most - and that needs to change. I must believe that karma will catch up to me and that the people in my life that are weighing me down must go...And I need embrace the fact that tears are not only normal, but healthy when released at appropriate times.

"To-day is not yesterday: we ourselves change; how can our Works and Thoughts, if they are always to be the fittest, continue always the same? Change, indeed, is painful; yet ever needful; and if Memory have its force and worth, so also has Hope. " ~ Thomas Carlyle

But enough of the philosophy talk -