
"It is what it is..."

And so it goes...

I have come to realize that sometimes 20/20 hindsight can at times be a good thing...and can lead to a HUGE "I told you so" sort of moment...or maybe not...

Translation: there is serious drama here at work today...and for once, I am not the one bearing the brunt of the bitching...I am the one with the shoulder for the recipient of the bitching to cry on...and it made me truly appreciate all that I went through when I worked at UCI...because I realized...business is what it is...and in the words of my ever-so-blunt boss, "we are here to make our clients money and in turn make ourselves a lot of money...we are here to work - nothing more...we will be more successful at what we do when we take all the emotion out of it." Touche...

I am just super stoked that I wasn't the one who lost my cool...

But at the same time, I feel really bad for my coworker...She has been busting her ass for weeks on end only to get slapped in the face with a metaphorical wet fish, if you will...and to think, that could have been me...I can feel the acid in my stomach churning merely at the very thought...

Enough ambiguity...time for an update!

This past 3-day weekend was rad. Friday Luis came down to the OC and we dined on scrumptulescent Alberta's cuisine and watched movies...Saturday the "Irvine crew" came to my place to play the "Entourage" drinking game. 50 beers, 4 large pizzas, a bottle of Kahlua, some shots, and nearly a bottle of vodka later I know I was pretty wasted. Went to bed around 3am...Sunday was exciting! Luis and I went on an afternoon motorcycle ride around Schabarum Park (I have no idea how to spell that) in City of Industry, where we then went on a mini-hike. It was so awesome!! For dinner, we met up with Kika, Sebastian and Zoraida at Hometown Buffet, where I found a way to cram every last space in my belly with food. It was awesome. After, I rode back to the DB on the back of the bike...We went a little faster and it was so much fun!! I have a new appreciation for his bike...Monday I drove to Canoga Park, had lunch with Luis, went shopping for Valentine's Day goodies (haha), and hung out with Don & Vanessa until Luis got off work. Then, the four of us went to TGI Fridays (where some potential exciting news was shared - fingers crossed!!) for the three course dinner deal...Um, yes...it was awesome...

Yesterday I had to go to Santa Monica for more Wilshire training...got to know the new coworker a little better...had to go to class and endure the most boring of all marketing classes...buuuut, the instructor is cool, so i feel bad...i think the next one will be a little better...

Well, I suppose I should get back to running my asset allocations...
