
Three Months Later...

...mmm'kay...so, my last post - aside from being random - was WAY off-base...the last round of performance reporting was not only abysmal, but took a toll on my mental health...I set the record for most times nearly fired in a month...and for all you who think I am kidding/exaggerating, by all means, ask my boss...I have never been on such a stressful/emotional rollercoaster of professionalism...The details typcially result in my developing a splittling headache merely in recounting said time period...So, I will leave it at this: basically, the next 2 months are critical to my survival in this industry...

Moving on...

A lot has happened in my life in these last three months...

* bought a house with my dude
* painted and moved in to said house
* became a "commuter"
* turned 25
* went back to Solvang to walk down memory lane (for good and for bad)
* saw Nine Inch Nails in concert
* saw Pearl Jam for free @ the Forum
* told my parents (in Texas) Luis and I were to be living in sin
* Threw a huge family 4th of July bbq @ the new house
* been playing grown up

That is a the long and the short of it...A ton has been going on and not sure how much I want to write...If I really start trying to get in to it, I could be writng all damn day...

So, just wanted to check in...