Daydreams can be dangerous...which (I think) may be one reason why they are so appealing...(I mean, aside from the obvious...) just a little something to think about...
This weekend was -- in a word -- productive. Thanks to the skills of Luis, I now have Ikea shelves brilliantly placed on my wall. "The mess" that was the chaos known as my room has finally taken on the appearance that I have been wanting for a while.
Friday I was yet again detained at my place of occupation for longer than expected...Half starved and incredibly exhausted, I was escourted to dinner by a HOT colombian, and then taken to the movies to see "Elf" by Dustin, Mike, Yagi, and Luis. Cute movie... :)
Saturday laundry and cleaning commenced! I made a trip to Ikea, which cost me more than I was initially intending. I bought these throw pillows for my bed that are absolutely amazing!!They are the most comfortable accessory in my room. I was picked up by Yagi and Dustin in the evening to go on a shopping trip, which served as a precursor to a night of drinking and brautwurst. After everyone arrived, we played a few rounds of "beer-a-mid" in which I managed to make it to liquid hell probably 3 times...One of the greatest things about that night was getting the chance to catch up with Dana. :) It is always so nice to see her!!
Sunday was more reflective...I was able to finally put my room how I wanted it. (Now it has some personality...)
With the news of the passing of a family friend, I was thrust into a state of thought. I was (again) forced to consider the logistics of friendship. I came to terms with some stuff that had been dragging me down. More importantly, I noted an obvious quality that has always been in front of me, but was personally powerful for me to admit. On the outset, what I concluded may not have seemed like a big deal, but to me, it was more meaningful than can ever be expressed. I consider friendships to be one of the most valuable entities in life... (i think way the hell too much...perhaps that is why i was successful in my philosophy classes! thanks to UCI, I now know how to think in an educated and literary manner...that'll get me far...) I know this banter on friendship may seem strange and over-emotional...but several things have happened lately that have made me think about the topic at hand...All I know is that this day of retrospection was needed - and after it all I felt so relieved that I was able to put some old demons to rest...
Quote for the day: "I'm on the fence, push me off it!" I thought that was funny...and yet, so true sometimes!! :)
Last weekend rocked!!
I hung out with Meera and Yagi and Mike and Luis on friday for a little islands-matrix-beer fun. It was good to hang out with Meera, as it feels like I never get a chance to see her these days. :) The Matrix was not what I was expecting...I thought it was okay...But the people sitting in front of us -- HILLARIOUS!
On saturday I got my hair done, did a little shopping for necessary things (i.e. deodorant and things of that nature...nothing exciting...), had lunch with my fella at Panera (which is GRUB!), cleaned my room, hung some pics on my wall, and then had date night! :) Luis and I went to Santa Monica and Malibu in search of the Something's Fishy restaurant down here. We sat at the sushi bar and ordered up a heap of tasty sushi -- washed it down with some beer -- and then went to the pier. I have to make a side note about the restaurant...It was really good -- don't get me wrong -- but it was no "State & Haley"...good times...needless to say I was really nostalgic but it wore off after I got my first piece of sushi :) The pier was awesome too!! I kicked Luis's butt at skee ball (which he still owes me my half of the bet because I WIN...hehehehe) and we took pictures in a photo booth. (although these ones came out a bit more clear than the ones we took in vegas.) There was an adventure race going on the whole time in the parking lot, so we went to check it out. It was the Balance Bar 24-hour Experience and it looked nuts!
Sunday rolled around...and so did project time...Luis was kind enough to allow me to work on my newsletters and PR plans in his lab with him...I was incredibly productive but really faded toward the end...(mentally, not actually...) I started to play solitare toward the end of our stay in the lab and that was the kiss of death as far as productivity was concerned.
Last night I finished up a final for my writing for Marketers class. I had a presentation to make before the class which was short and sweet and seemed to be pretty smooth..
Today...the dentist...BLECH!!! Then I have to work on my other finals...
Something kind of funny: upon printing out company biographies for our marketing materials yesterday, I discovered that my job title was listed as Assistant Vice President...hahahaha -- just a nice way of saying receptionist. sounds cool nonetheless!! is pretty damn good :)
Ahhh, so food tastes so much better when it is a reward of some sort. My boss decided that we had been working hard this week and she bought us lunch...I thought that was pretty damn rad! AND, it is friday! AND, I had a productive day! I can sufficiently say that it has been a fitting close to a very busy week...Hopefully my weekend will be able to maintain the perfect balance of productivity and peacefulness that I need...
I finally salvaged my car from the dealership -- after a 20 minute wait for them to pull up my car and receiving a very expensive service invoice. I realized how much I love my car...I really missed it...
Life is good...The sun is out...there are six minutes to go before I get to leave for the weekend...I am getting my hair done on saturday (I need a little change of pace)...and I have cleared my desk so monday won't be so chaotic...
I watched to re-airing of the OC last night with Julia...I had a beer in honor of the OC Drinking Extravaganza and tipped one for my hommies, but it really wasn't the same. For instance, when the theme song came on for the introductory credits, I instinctively wanted to yell "DRINK!", but I was haulted by the fact that I was the only one who truly appreciated the was sad...
okay, so things may have just taken a turn for the best, but I don't want to jinx myself...All I will say for now is that my job has presented me with a potentially incredibly lucrative and amusing position and I am incresingly jovial!! More detail as the saga (definitively) continues...
So Mercedes Benz of Laguna Niguel really blew it last night...I went to pick up my poor benzito and it was sitting there waiting for me and the freakin service department was closed - a whole hour early - leaving me with nothing but a what did I do to rectify the situation?? I let the dragon loose from the cage -- heeheehee...I called my buddy Charlie Brown and we are in the "wait and see" holding pattern. This was call numero uno...The second call is to my Papa, who will not take shit off of anyone -- especially there. It is actually amazing to watch this phenomena unfold: he goes down to that dealership, makes a request, and like three people practically fall over themselves and each other to get it done for him. I would love to be able to wield power like that!! (ok, so I have no idea how to spell wield...being out of school has made me lame!)
I have been in this monotonous state of lethargy since monday it is driving me nuts! I hate how stress (and other things) can do that to you...I think tiredness is finally starting to lift so that is definately a good thing.
Tomorrow I get to go on an adventure for work: I get to go to the post office to BULK MAIL our newsletters!! woohoo...Actually, it is kind of a tricky process that I have only had to do once before -- and I was just going to observe...All I know is I get to use a special service entrance and park next to all the nifty mail trucks...good times...
As I sit here at my desk I can see these ominously black rain clouds and all I can think is I have no clue where my umbrella is...One thing is for sure -- it is not with me...
OC tonight!! Although, I think the drinking game will have to wait.. :)
Mmm...Wahoo's is sooooo good!! Even the next day...
So, last night was Mike's b-day -- party at his friend Jules' place -- made a cameo after class -- drank a social amount -- Dhruv climbed the roof -- funny things happened -- went home and crashed...I finally get my car back today, which rocks!! turns out there is a good chance it was a manufacturer's defect! You can bet I will be letting the dealership know!! :)
Crazy finals are due next week and i am way unprepared...the funny thing: i really don't mind...Isn't part of the whole academic experience spent fumbling for an end result when you have minumal resources to go off of? rock on...
Dustin has surgery today -- you are in my thoughts budman ;)
Tonight is a good night for kickin' back and watching if anyone reads this and wants to have movie night, give me a call!!
So this had to have been the oddest week I have had in a while...In a nut-shell, I nearly got into a car accident, I had to go for round two of jury duty, my car took a poop (completely unrelated to the near accident), my uncle is in the hospital with some unknown infection, i had the worst hangover on thursday due to an unplanned drink-fest, and Dustin broke -- no, more like masacred (or however it is spelled) -- his leg...random...
I suppose the most frustrating aspect of this past week was, (aside from my poor uncle's mystery disease), my freaking car!! I have only had the damn thing since March -- and there are only 10,000 miles on it -- and they are telling me that my alignment is so incredibly bad that I need 4 NEW TIRES!!! What the hell!! After consulting my personal car expert (the hot Luis Sanchez) I became aware of the fact that it would be really hard for all 4 tires to be fucked up because it is much harder to mess with the back alignment than the front. THEN, the mechanic has the balls to tell me that I must have HIT something for the alignment to be as screwed up as it is...I beg your pardon sir, but HELL NO!! I think I would remember hitting something. AND, I am not a child...I am not going to lie about something like that -- I would take responsibility for it, if I actually hit something. So, needless to say, my parents were pissed because (naturally) if something goes wrong I MUST have been the root of the problem. Surely things don't just randomly go wrong, it must be user error, right?? URGH!!!! I have been left out of the informational loop, so to speak, regardless of the fact that it is my car, so I am not even sure when I can get it back. So, not only am I going to be in debt for 4 new tires (because I have freakishly expensive ones for some reason), but I am going to be in debt to my grandpa, who is footing the bill for me...I hate being in debt to family and/or friends...The up-side to this quandry: I am driving a pretty HOT loaner car. :)
I went to Diamond Bar last night for a joint surprise party for both of Luis's Parents. :) That was a lot of fun!! Good food, good company, good practice of translating spanish...I really need to get over this strange shyness I get when it comes to two things: foreign language and dancing...two things that I like to do -- when I am not in front of a lot of people. (That is to say unless I am hopelessly drunk for both elements -- then I am all over it!!) I don't have low self esteem or anything, but for some reason I feel really inept when it comes to both speaking spanish and dancing...I know I probably could do it if I wanted to (and I DO), but I just freeze up when I am put on the spot...ay Dios mio...
I have part of a final due tomorrow and I have spent the better part of the day trying to compose this marketing piece. I have the layouts completely done, but now I have to bullshit some copy...I am taking a break to check email and update the blog rather than tax my brain anymore...
Oh well...I guess I should do some more product research...
El fin
So much has happened since I last wrote in my blog...I am not even sure where to begin...
Here is what happened (briefly) in the last two weeks:
Fires attacked California -- ash was everywhere...I think Meera put it best when she asked if this is what hell feels like, seeing as it was ashy, windy, and hot. Went to Oktoberfest at school specifically to see Homegrown, which was good until the encore. Got some big news at work -- and it keeps getting better. I am in charge of my own publication and I have 3 weeks to put it together. My parents went globe trotting to Singapore for a week and a bit. I was called to jury duty, reported and now have to go back in a couple of days.
Now...this weekend: Halloween was friday...I decided to throw some stuff together and be a catholic school girl, which was fun, but not conducive to the rain and cold climate. Luis was the hottest vato I had ever laid eyes on, Meera went as Halfa Dolla (which rocked!), Dana (it was sooo good to see her!!) was a pirate, Dustin was Budman (enough said), Andy was strongbad (which was cool!), Eric was a ghetto plastic surgeon (props to the creativity), Mat was hippy-rasta-man (i loved the wig), and Mike (who ditched us for other things) was white trash. We went to Dan and Mark's -- which I have to say is the coolest house -- it made me want to move to a house badly...They had a DJ and a keg of New Castle. My & my vato, however, brought our own refreshments: 40's of Steel Reserve baby! We danced and drank until the night was over...A good night fo' sho'!!
Saturday morning I went and feasted at the commons with the usual gang, which was a great thing to grub on the morning after drinking. I proceded to H-214 and hung out, went to the mall with Luis, Eric, & Mat, then went to the basketball game at the Bren. Did some more drinking -- went back to Dustin's and promptly fell asleep on their couch watching Saturay Night Live.
Sunday was a productive (and awesome!) day. I went to Ikea, the mall, cleaned, did laundry, SAW AFI!!!!! They put on a great show! They have such a commanding stage presence and really get the crowd going! The only bummer part was I had to pee what felt like every 5 minutes as a result of the 4 beers I consumed prior to the show.
So, today I am back at work (and learned that I am entitled to 3 WEEKS VACATION TIME NOW) with a ringing ear and a severely short attention span...I have class tonight -- and would much rather go have dinner with Meera than listen to my instructor, but I should really go...there are only 3 classes left...It is cloudy and cold and looks like it is going to rain...i want to go home and snuggle on the couch with a blanket and a movie, but that is not in the cards for me today, apparently...
aight...back to my work...only 3.5 hours left -- I think I can make it! :)