
"One for the now and eleven for the later "

Life is chaotic...

...a little chaos is always good...

...reminds us that we only get one shot at this life so better make it sweet..


life is pretty friggin' good...


I feel like I could seriously tackle anything right now...It's great...I mean, I may have buckled today at work and left early because i couldnt stare at my computer anymore...but it dawned on me: as much as i bitch about my job, i am actually really fired up...performance reporting is the shittiest six weeks i could ever imagine...so what makes this quarter different??? well, i have something to prove...and i fucking LOVE a challenge...i was stressing a little this afternoon, but as i was walking back from target tonight i realized that if i rock my reports, i can show them that i AM good at this...and if i can make this work, then i can prove to myself that i can handle a lot more than most people have given me credit...sooo, i say a big fat "BOOOOOYAAAAAAAAA" to my reports..bring it biatches!!

Everything else is falling into place nicely...it's kind of surreal when you can finally get excited about something that was so uncertain for a little while...

25 DAYS and counting!!!! (until what, you ask??? that's for me to know and whomever reads this to find out later - muahahahaha!) So, when the dust settles, I can stop being so damn cryptic...But you know me (or maybe you dont), I am totally superstitious...

If anyone needs an excuse to "tip one" this weekend, my most favorite uncle got a much deserved promotion. he has rhumatoid arthritus and has been working two physically-challenging jobs so he can send his son to college...this new job will finally give him a chance to quit his second job so he can rest a little...so ladies and gents, raise your glasses to my uncle neal...i know tomorrow i will knock a couple back for him. tee hee - i am so proud and happy! :)

this stream of consciousness feels good.......and all the while i have been typing i have been streaming this new song that has completely enamored my senses (hint hint: the subject line is one of the lyrics...guess what it's from!)...i swear, i dont know who i would be if i didnt have music in my life...

Well, all this has been anything but cogent...I suppose I should get crackin' on my laundry and cleaning my kitchen and stuff...

I'm done...

...for now...

(and if you actually read this til the end, you're probably glad it finally finished...)


Can I Just Say...

...that i absolutely LOVE the new Red Hot Chili Peppers song?!?! Dammit, it's good!! I can't wait until May when the double-disk releases...although, I really shouldn't be thinking of things to buy right now...Need to save all my pennies for something much bigger. :)

I am taking my first CFP class online - starting monday. Tee-hee! I am excited!!

I have to go see an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow for a follow up to my ER visit...I am not anticipating any serious news, other than "You just banged yourself up pretty good and it takes a long time for this type of contusion to heal"...but I would rather have a doctor tell me than for me to self-diagnose myself...call it a security blanket, if you will...

So, I haven't been sleeping too much as of late and I truly believe it is starting to catch up to me...(as is the copious amount of laundry I have been neglecting to complete)...

I talked to my accountant today...after some heated conversation about cost-basis, tax-sheltered stock gifting and share balances, it was determined that I will actually be getting a sizeable RETURN this year...haha - the awesome part is I was so worried about getting nailed with a nasty capital gains tax, when in fact I actually "suffered" a capital LOSS...which works in my favor. :) This guy is GOOD!!! As a matter of fact, I haven't ever had a return/refund this good...I am stoked...

As a gift from my mom, I am going to go to the spa next friday...I need to relax and I really can't wait...I have never had some of the treatments before and I hear it is an awesome experience. Yet another thing I am stoked on...

Well, everyone is leaving my office and I guess I should take the cue and bolt while I can.

Over and out..