Woah, who knew that my "after lunch update" would really take a few days to get around to!
Well, this weekend was Vegas. It was a good getaway from the norm -- good times, good pictures. We had the ultimate mullet hunting experience on Freemont street listening to a classic rock cover band. There was a pocket comb involved -- need I say more?? Some very quick trip highlights: Andy's sunroof exploding on the 91, the bet in the car: girlfriends vs. boyfriends, the mullet, no boot to be found, losing all my money, chillin by the pool, "santa clause coming early" with a random beer delivery, Thomas's first trip to Sin City, an hour long bus ride down the strip due to a hummer/limo accident, Ellis Island casino and all that it wasn't, Andy bringing in the big bucks in craps, gluttony in 20 minutes with the closing of the dinner buffet at Fitzgeralds, the random free shot of pucker Yvonne and I were given at Coyote Ugly, The Big Apple Bar @ New York New York and Soul Desire...ahhhh....vegas....it is what it is...And after Luis and I came up with a "new approach to tackling Vegas", the place makes so much more sense!
On the scarier side of life: I have to have my wisdom teeth out on friday...not the end of the world or the biggest deal, but not cool, if you ask me...I am kinda nervous and I am not sure why exactly...I'm not worried about anything going wrong -- I just don't like having to go to the doctor -- for anything...
Okay, so it is thursday and I am behind in my blog...yet again.
The weekend was really fun -- friday Luis and I went to the movies to see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" which was a great flick! One of those that really makes you think... After the film, we went back to his place and played an impromptu marathon of Beer-a-mid, which is always exciting. Saturday Luis and I picked up my grandparents from John Wayne Airport and drove all together down to my Aunt Tina/Uncle Scott's house in Carlsbad for a combination going away party/Nolan's 4th birthday. Everyone was there and it was grub. They ordered 2 6-foot sandwiches from Togo's, they had a HUGE Bob the Builder bounce house for all the little ones, and the wine was flowin. Sunday I went to Julia's new HOT apartment in the thick of downtown LA. We had lunch & shopping in Pasadena and then went back to her place and hung out. She lives about 3 blocks from the Standard, which I must say is pretty damn exciting! She even has a roof top pool that looks out (practically into) The Staples Center. Needless to say, this weekend was full of fun activity and good times.
This week, on monday Molly's brother Joey came down to surf and stay the night, so we hung out with him. We made a spontaneous trip to the spa that left an indellible impression on all of us. We met this very intriguing fella who interrogated us on the meaning of our lives and what we want to do with them...It was pretty intense...Quote of the night: "Make sure you don't go to the grave with your music still inside you." Tuesday I went to dinner at 526, courtesy of Yagi's culinary skills. After stuffing my face and watching some "A-Team", Luis and I headed to Santa Ana to watch "Three Amigo's". Wednesday was the much anticipated return of the OC!! GREAT EPISODE!!! before that, Luis and I had an El Pollo Loco dinner and snoozed on the couch...Tonight, Silvia is supposed to come down and I am supposed to cook...We shall see what transpires...Tomorrow, night before Vegas...I am so stoked!! I am in desparate need to get away and this is perfect.
I have been in the best mood lately!! And you know, it is amazing how much a little compliment from the most unexpected of people can make you smile!!
So, it is thursday...
Last night I had some green beer and St. Patrick's Day fun at the fellas of 1332's Santa Ana digs...good times, good beer, good fun! :) We played some cards and watched a little Jay Leno and then before I knew it I was sleeping...
My mom left for England yesterday. About an hour ago I had my first transatlantic text message and I was pretty stoked! I wish more than just about anything that I could be there right now...I am so happy for her that she is having an opportunity to see our family and friends.
Tonight is pub night and I am looking forward to it. I have been in the mood lately to go out and be social. I am looking forward to catching up with Meera, since I haven't seen her in a real long time. There is a good chance Molly might even come with, but I am not going to hold my breath...I have a feeling she is going to bail...
This weekend is looking to be busy but fun. Friday, pending on many different qualifications, Silvia and I might hang out for a little bit -- but she has been real sick for the last week, so we shall see. Saturday will be my Aunt Tina's farewell dinner/Nolan's birthday, which will be good. I have been realizing more and more over the past couple of months how important family is and how great it feels to be able to spend some time with them. Speaking of, once my parents get back from England, they are coming down to San Diego -- my dad for a month and mom for an unknown duration. I am so excited they are only going to be an hour a way!!! I definately don't see my parents enough...Sunday, I might go hang out with Julia...I really don't want to drive up to LA though. I have put so many miles on my car lately...
Work has been so boring this week, I am not sure how I am going to be able to make through the rest of today and tomorrow without passing out from sheer mindlessness...Honestly, this is a serious mood-killing problem! I have no desire to do anything -- mostly because what i have to do right now is mind-numbing and thoughtless...it needs to be done, and i keep plugging away, but it is just the prinicipal...After all, i have to suck it up and take the not so glorious with the fantastic, right? We all have to start somewhere...
I am virtually counting down the days until our Vegas trip!! Oooh!! and I am excited about NOFX too...
So, since I am not sure if the Europe thing is going to happen, I am still in dire need of a vacation...I just need to think of where...all I know is I am going -- August...
ok, I suppose I should get back to work...
I have been in such a good mood since the weekend -- I love it!!
I mean, despite the things that are happening around me, I am goin with the flow...For example, last night I think I got my first traffic ticket. I got stuck in the middle of an intersection in Costa Mesa that happened to be "Photo enforced" and because of the person in front of me (and their inabiliy to operate a vehicle correctly), I got stuck and the bright lights flashed...What was my response to the situation? I laughed! Normally, I would have been fuming at something like this, but what could I do? The situation was funny and I chalked it up to "Oh well!". :)
This weekend was pretty fun! Friday I went to a BBQ at the fellas' house in Santa Ana. Saturday I ran errands and then went to LA with Luis for Cliff's birthday. We went to a really cool mexican restaurant and then to a bar in Venice. Sunday i had the ultimate lazy day: chilled at Luis's place watching movies until almost 4pm and then made my lazy way back to my house, where i had a "sex in the city" marathon and ate cookies (sort of). Then for dinner, went to Alberto's to experience a California burrito i have heard so much about over the years.
I have been seeing my dentist on what will be a weekly basis this month, which is a bit cumbersome. I have had some drama with my teeth that Molly claims is revenge for me never having orthodontic work as a youngster. Turns out these wisdom teeth really are bad for you and they cause a bevy of nasty problems if you choose to ignore their presence. So, after all my prep appointments, I will have to remove the bastards at the end of the month...
Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day -- Don't forget to wear green!! :) And no matter what, I plan to go out to get my green beer this year! It is the first time I am over 21 and don't have a midterm or final to think about -- hehehe.
I picked my classes today for spring extensions -- a big chunk o' change (that i don't really have), but I am looking forward to going.
So much to say and no time to type! :)
Until next time...
I have been in such a foul mood all day and I need to get out of it. I know come 4pm I will be a happy little camper, but until then I have been brooding.
I found out like 2 hours ago that part of the reason of me still being in excruciating pain in my mouth is that one of my wisdom teeth is trying to break through -- which explains the remaining aching in my teeth and also why they are now getting crooked. (Damn, I feel like a teething baby the way I am whining and shit...) All I know is I am over this week!!!
Now, the fact that I am in pain has been making me crabby all day because all i want to do is eat a normal meal and i physically have trouble doing this. Thus, I have not eaten much in nearly a week (have lost actually close to 5 pounds, so now instead of having to gain that 5 pounds I have been "workin" on, I have to gain more like 8 or so...the doctor told me i need to and that made me irritated...it isn't like i haven't been trying!).
But the real cruxt of my miffed mood stems from the fact that I have to take a bunch of unexpected time off here and there and it seriously conflicts with my availability to go to Europe this summer. So, in essence, I am over the fact that I have felt like crap and been hungry for a week, and I can deal with getting my wisdom teeth out and gaining weight and all that, but it breaks my heart to think that I might not be able to go on my trip this summer...I guess I am just going to have to wait and see...
I just needed to vent...everything will work itself out -- and I feel better just pouring out this frustration. WHEW!! :) i feel a bit better...
So I have been battling with my blog as of late...I have been compelled to update an entry, but I have been incredibly at a loss for words (which is utterly amazing). I login to Blogger, sit down, and start to type only to sign out before I am even through with my thoughts. I have too much swimming in my head but no desire to really write about it...Why? Because I am becoming more and more aware of my triviality. Now, that's not to say that "I feel my life is trivial" or that "my experiences are trivial" or any of that...I just merely concluded that more often than not, I sit at my computer terminal and crank out meaningless drivel at a record pace...I like to Blog because it is a form of a journal. I use it to vent and as an attempt at exercising my brain -- which seems to be a task that occurs less and less in my daily life. But at the same time, I realize how much nothingness I have to say when I talk about how I am feeling, et. al...I have been wanting to use Blogger as a forum for my creative writing -- but that has always been something I have guarded, and the thought of everyone being able to read my passages kinda scares me...Why the fear? Because, I am deeply terrified that I am going to discover that the one ability in which I am confident I am simply mediocure. (damn, i can't even spell!!) Food for thought...
On that note, things have been going really well overall. I have determined some of the problems I had been having (work, life, etc) and have been taking conscious steps to fixing them. The progress so far has been exceedingly positive! Not only am I noticing a difference in the things and people around me, but I am much happier as well.
Last weekend was such fun!! Talking with Meera helped me to see how wonderful my friends truly are and how absolutely lucky I am to have them in my life. I hung out all weekend and drank and laughed and did things I felt like I hadn't done in a while. I completely moved out of Greenfield on saturday which was an enormous weight off of my shoulders. I feel as though I am experiencing "tabula rasa" and I am loving it! Although I was a bit saddened to leave my key at 57 Greenfield it was a good thing.