

So, I have been under the impression that my sunglasses have been lost for good...they have MIA for about 6 days now, which has really added to my overall contempt for this week. Seeing as there were far more important things plauging my mind, I really hadn't given any additional thought or concern to the departure of my most favorite (and vital) accessory. But, a proverbial light at the end of this dark tunnel called "the end of September" is finally glowing a bit brighter with each passing minute. I picked up a box from under my desk and my sunglasses were on top of it!! It turns out my purse must have fallen over and they fell out sometime last week and they have been dwelling under my desk since. Utter relief...

Continuing on this jovial note: my co-worker, Paul, hangs out with me for a while this morning at my desk. We start talking about living in apartments and he casually asks me if I am still looking for a place. Upon informing him that the search really hasn't begun at full intensity as of yet, he gave me a tip on (what sounds like) a great place in the back bay! He was telling me he & his wife lived there until about a month ago and the place hasn't rented yet. I have been given the name of the agent, so we shall see what skinny is on this place...

My mom leaves today for the east coast and before she goes my parents are having a "lunch meeting" to discuss a few things...hope it goes well...

Went to Habana House again last night...The waiter was speaking to me in Spanish and I was like 3 steps behind the conversation the whole time...really discouraged me in my abilities...But the food, as usual, was amazing!! The sangria - awesome! The platanos - off the chain! And, the conversation was the best part. I love going out with Silvia because we can sit and talk and laugh and be silly and before we know it we have been sitting at the restaurant for almost 3 hours. We solve the world's problems over bomb-ass food and stiff drinks and at that moment life is rad. :)

Looks like it is going to rain today :(

So glad the end of this God-forsaken week is in sight...

(okay, I am a little bit of a drama queen ::shock!:: things could have been SO much worse...I really need to get over myself)

Looking forward to watching the debates tonight. Should be interesting...If all goes well, I will be meeting up with Meera for an after-coverage vent session at Denny's :)


Food Coma...

Just had lunch with my fella at Asia Noodle Cafe and I craving food-enduced sleep...

Work has been slow today, which is kinda nice seeing as I dont feel so great still (although a marked improvement from yesterday) and really have a short attention span as of late...Just want to hang out and be social - or even just hang out and stare off into space - than work on my ish...

The distressing news I got yesterday is still on the destressing side...but after some long chats last night with Luis I have been able to look at the "bigger picture" of the situation...Everything happens for a reason - I just have to keep telling myself that...

Tonight I am going to have Cuban dinner and drinks with Sil-Dogg and then I must clean my room...no more excuses...It has reached embarrassing proportions...

If you're lucky, you will come across a person in your life who's support means more to you than anyone can fathom...a person who knows you better than most and is there for you when you need it more than you admit...someone who drops their plans to be at your side...and brings you TK burgers and fries :) Now that is love...


Why did I get out of bed today??

Not to use a lame cliche, but when it rains, it freaking pours...

It seems as though I am getting sick. I know it is my allergies, but I feel like I have a fever and I am achy and I just want to go back to bed...

Then, my mom emails me with a strange (and terrible) message. I call her to see if she is okay and she breaks down into tears, which is highly unlike her...This made me cry and we had a long chat about what has been going on...Not good news...Made me sad and hurt and angry all at the same time...

Then, I find out that my review has been rescheduled and the annoying person that works from home and hassles me about lame shit wants to be on my review panel...fucking great...he is going to give me the worst review....the only saving grace I have is that it looks as though Eve will be on my panel too, which may work in my favor...

I spilled a client lunch all over the floor today...forgot to water the plants and now 2 of them look like they are dying and I got called on it...the fax machine broke...i am blowin' it today...

I just should have stayed home...but you know, this is what I get for not being here last week...It is my own damn fault...I shouldn't complain...there are worse things in life...I just really want to rest my head on my pillow and forget about all the drama...

c'est la vie


It is sunday and I am dreading tomorrow...

Tomorrow morning I go for my review with my boss...which is cool in some sense, because I get free breakfast out of the deal! But I am little concerned with the overall sentiment that will be expressed at this fun meeting...Unfortunately, the media kit that I had hoped to surprise her with at my review will not be finished for at least another day, which kinda irks me, but it is my own fault.

This weekend has been really filled - and really fun. Friday, I went to Diamond Bar to have dinner with Luis and his parents (enchiladas). After we ate, Luis and I drove around in search of coffee and a place to chill. On our drive we explored neighborhoods with crazy huge houses. I left DB around 11:15 and pulled up to my house at midnight, at which time I passed out in my bed.

Saturday, Luis and his dad picked me up from my house and we drove to a motorcycle store in Newport, then to Babies-R-Us in Tustin to buy gifts for Carolyn & Chris, then went to Carolyn's baby shower. Good food and fun times hanging out. We then went to Sebastian's soccer game, where the little stud scored 2 (out of 5) [team] goals. HOTT!! :) We then went and picked up Chinese food...rented a movie...hung out...went to sleep...Spent the night in Diamond Bar...

Sunday, was spoiled (again) by REALLY good breakfast and coffee :). Taught Sebastian how to play chess (mixed with a couple of rounds of "connect-four-and-sometimes-three") while Luis replaced the chain on his motorcycle. Had lunch and headed down to the OC. Made a coffee stop and went with Luis to his lab, where he conducted more research, and I started to study for the GMAT...

So that brings me to the present...I am typing in my blog as a break from studying, as I have read like 80 pages out of the Princeton Review book and my eyes are blurring...I am going to have a long road ahead of me with the math, but the verbal seems alright. I know on December 18th I am going to be the happiest person alive, as this test will be behind me.

A tangent thought for me to close with this evening (and then it is back to the books): I fear I have lost my penchant for writing...More specifically, I feel I have lost my ability to write well...I feel like all the comes out on paper is jibberish...I don't know where I lost my finesse, but I really need to try to get it back...Perhaps I should enroll at OCC for some writing classes or something...


Almost forgot to Blog my favorite quote of the week!!

Upon drinking and watching some show on the WB the other night with Julie, I heard the WORST case of screenwriting ever!!

Woman in pissed off state: "you have been the assiest ass!"



So, here I sit, pondering the afternoon away...

I have spent the better part of today researching other grad programs. Here is the official application list:

UC Irvine
Cal Poly Pomona
Cal State Fullerton
Cal State Long Beach
and maybe...USC...(not really high on my priority list...but someone was making a very persuasive case for why I should go there...then again, that's how the bastards get you!)

I have already gone to the UCI info session and I am set to go to the Chapman info session...trying to go to CSULB's, but the frigging web site won't let me RSVP...it seems as though Pomona and Fullerton don't offer sessions, but whatever...I am so stoked on the potentiality of heading back into the realm of acadaemia...

This morning I got to work about 40 minutes early...partly because I was out sick yesterday and mostly because I had been asked to take Eve and Paul to John Wayne Airport. They brought me a latte, which sure as hell made my morning flow more smoothly...The shelf in my trunk malfunctioned upon getting their luggage out of my car...hopefully I can fix it when I get off work today...Wanda and I were supposed to be escourted to lunch by a manager, but since I was out yesterday, it has been postponed...bummed that I am, it was nice to be able to go home and chill on the couch for a bit instead of schmoozing...

I am over today...not in a "i'm having a really crappy day" kind of capacity, but moreso in the "i really feel like doing stuff outside of the office" manner. (e.g. the realization made in Office Space...not to yet again make a reference to that brilliant flick.)

So my boss went to a meeting that will remove her from the office for the rest of the day. As she was departing, she called out to my desk to tell me "you're in charge - mostly because i don't trust anyone here." Now, I am not sure what exactly was meant behind that "truth in jest" comment, but I took it as a complement nonetheless...perhaps I am too naieve...It is my goal to have my press kit mocked up by the time I meet her for breakfast on monday morning - also known as my review meeting...

So, I experienced remote office drama while I was at home yesterday...It seems as though someone tried to screw me over in my absensce and my co-worker stepped in to watch my back...Good thing...

Ever wanted something so badly you can taste it? (and I am not talking about an edible item...) I mean, a goal...I will get there...I know it...I can feel it...

On an awkard note, while talking to my mom last night, we started to discuss my grandparents...I guess one of my cousins emailed my mom telling her how it all sunk in that this will probably be the last trip to OZ they make...that broke my heart...it is hard to face the frailty of life when you really don't want to acknowledge it...especially in the people you love the most. What I only just learned through that call was that my gran also believes this to be her last trip, which dually broke my heart...what I really didn't want to hear was, "But Andrea, they really aren't well people...There is more going on then we want to admit." But alas, I did...This is all part of life...nothing can or will change that...

Okay, I have to say I am so irritated wtih a particular person that it is driving me mad...For those in the know, it is "Bette Midlers's other half"..

I have essentially been ranting and rambing for the last half an hour on the blog - mostly to suck up wasted time...and speaking of wasted, perhaps that will be the state of mind we find ourselves in after watching "The Apprentice" :)

So, this has been ridiculously uninteresting - and if you read the whole thing, you deserve a cookie! (and if you didn't, I completely don't blame you!)



okay, so i am supposed to fill out my employee job description this week (a formality everyone has to do)...doesn't sound that confusing, right? well, my boss emails me the form and tells me to fill it out for "my position - marketing associate"...uh, so when did i become that?? i mean, cool beans, but at still...how am i supposed to fill out a job description form for a job i didn't even know i was doing?! so now my question is, where do i stand, and what the hell do i do for the company? i just think this is all really comical :)

Cuban food is the best!! Habana House in HB is unbelievable!! If all goes well, I will be back on friday for more platanos and cuban sangria. The dude was hyping up the flan so much I may even have to imbibe in some...


Oooh - fun weekend...

Friday: Took Julie to John Wayne Airport for her trip home...Rented a movie and ordered a pizza and hung out with Luis. Watched Godsend, which is really creepy...

Saturday: Got up with the sun to see my dad and Chris at John Wayne Airport in between flights. Went back to bed for a bit...watched a little bit of the original Rambo movie (which incendentally is not called Rambo at all)...Went to Felix's wedding with my hot date. Had a 7 course traditional Chinese dinner. Danced and watched Chinese people LINE DANCE to Celia Cruz. Checked into a hotel room we didn't stay in :), passed out on my couch. It was lots of fun - we hung out with people from my work and enjoyed the night. Drank, danced, laughed - good combination.

Sunday: Had "brunch" with Jules @ IHOP - the greatest restaurant - other than Bill's - for breakfast. Luis came over and we watched movies and ate macaroni and cheese while he worked on his laptop. Lounged and did laundry...ate kettle corn...picked up Julie from the airport...

I realized I went to the airport everyday this weekend for one reason or another...Tonight I am off to get Cuban food and drinks with Silvia in Huntington Beach. I am stoked - I LOVE cuban food :)...I would like to think of it as a meeting of the minds, as we are gathering to figure out the meaning of confusing things...heeheehee...


"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal."
- Hannah More (1745 - 1833)

This could not be more appropriate for the way things are right now... :-)

Update later today when I have time to type...


Oooh - today we get cake and champagne for Felix's wedding! So exciting!!

Office Space is tonight at the Flashback Features and I can't hardly wait...

Quote that is stuck in my head: "It won't be long before you see me on the news. Another soul lost at sea -- or taking a cruise...Grasping for air makes the righteous path harder to choose. Now it's fly or die, sink or swim, which one shall I choose??" -from the NERD cd with which i am currently infatuated.

Tomorrow: Grad school info session...


So much for the Four Seasons...

I didn't get to stay at the conference today, but no worries. I still got free breakfast and a really nice pen out of the deal. Besides, I was away from my desk for like 2 hours, so that is never bad.

Feeling more tired than ever today - but I am in the best mood. Not really sure why...

My boss loaned me a book today - he said it was one of the best books he has ever read and he thought I would enjoy it. It is the little things like that - the thoughtful little things - that really put a smile on my face.

I had to fill out my employee review forms today...scarrrrry...don't know why I am so nervous to have my review...it isn't a huge deal...

tonight - back to G&P's house to give them some stuff and to take their groceries off their hands.
last night - dinner was great! so fun and Ciao Pasta is a GREAT restaurant.
tomorrow - Office Space @ The Flashback Feature and champagne and cake for Felix's wedding at work. I just ordered the cake, and I must say it sounds GOOOOOOOD :)

I get to see my dad on friday night which will be cool. Said he wants to take me out to dinner. I am stoked!


I am draggin ass today...

This weekend was cool. Events of the weekend (in no particular order of occurance): Helped Luis move home to Diamond Bar, watched Sebastian play soccer, drank beer and watched "Old School", went to the Olive Garden for never-ending-pasta-bowl and a pitcher of sangria, saw "Without a Paddle", ate AWESOME food at la casa de Sanchez, relaxed, slept...

Tonight I am going to dinner with my grandparents (and maybe Luis) to wish them well - they are about to embark on a 2 month journey to Australia to see the family. We are going to this Italian restaurant in San Juan Capistrano that is supposed to be awesome and some nights out of the week they have a jazz band play. Hopefully tonight will be one of those nights.

My mom called me at lunch to tell me about a tornado up in her neck of the woods...scary! She said one minute it was blue sky and sunny and the next minute the sky was blackish-greenish and eerie outside...not good...

I found out a couple of hours ago I get to take my boss's place at the Four Seasons tomorrow morning for a Schwab Tech conference. What does that translate to: free breakfast, free lunch, and being out of the office from 8-1...that is HOTT! And I get to go with Wanda, so I won't be alone and I will have someone to chat with. The last conference we went to together we sat in the back of the room and talked about all sorts of things.

I am fighting the food coma - must go make some coffee...I have been trying to cut back on my caffiene intake, but it is freaking killing me...i am trying to "trick" myself into believing that I am drinking coffee by drinking one cup regular coffee and 3 cups decaf...not working...

So, my plans to bust my ass to study for the GMAT are still a "go", but I am delaying my start date by a day. I was supposed to begin hitting the books tonight, but my social schedule is getting in the way. :) tomorrow it is...I have to start studying by thursday, as that is the day I attend the info session at UCI...



Some interesting things...

First of all, I am growing exceptionally weary of the retrograde events that haunt my job...(not sure if that phrase even made sense...) I am sick of being accountable for everyone's travel only because I am asked to book travel for people that give me very limited information on the details and then get pissed off at me when I didn't read their minds and book the travel to their liking...we have all graduated high school here and I have NO time for prima donnas...I got mad today and made them feel foolish and earned an apology, but it was under duress, so I am not really taking it to heart...This petty shit has got to stop, otherwise I am going to say something that I will regret and risk my job over an event that was truly meaningless...

Not sure what the weekend will bring...I am looking forward to it though. I would love to sleep in tomorrow, but we shall see...I really wish I could just get in my car on saturday morning and drive to Vegas, but that can't happen right now...

So my boss told me as long as I plan on sticking around here for a while, she doesn't mind if I go over in my vacation time...not quite sure how to take that...I think she is on to me :)


Just a quick jaunt into the land of the Blogs and then I really have to be productive...

I have been delaying my work this week - mostly because i feel if I do it all at the pace to which i am accustomed, I will have jack shit to do for the remainder of the week. Thus, my procrastination has allowed me to catch up on such things as news, politics, the lives of my friends, and my educational goals.

I signed up to take the GMAT on December 17th, which makes all of my talking and hoping and planning real. I have paid for the first step in my aspiration to go back to school - and there is no getting out of it now...I am pretty juiced about my decision...I feel if I don't try now, I may never try, never go back to school, always wonder what I could have made of myself, and thus had regret...So, if I don't get into a program, I am not going to be terribly heart broken because I know in my gut that I gave it a shot - and perhaps it in that circumstance it wasn't meant to be. If I do get in, then I am going to be stretched thin with my time and energy for 2 years, but it will be worth it.

Last night I went to the Flashback movie: The Godfather. Hadn't seen it all the way through in years...and even then I should use that phrase loosely, as I fell asleep for about 10 minutes in the middle. I had forgotten how long that movie is...but, as usual, I was merely reminded of the gifted story telling portrayed by Mario Puzzo of an organized crime family in the 1940's...it was pretty cool to see a bunch of really famous actors as young stars: i.e., Al Pacino, James Caan, Diane Keaton, Robert Duval...

The pink eye has taken up camp in my office and people are coming down with it all over the place...I wore my glasses today - just in case i get it, i won't find myself in a worse predicament with the contacts getting involved...(even though I am not worried about getting it really...besides, it is so easily treatable...and if the "smart" folks in my office only got it treated to quickly, we wouldn't have an issue...)

Speaking of eye ailments, my dad has to have surgery on his eyes in the coming weeks. He has a rapid progressing cataract and it is causing some complications. Nothing too serious, but it makes me want to go home to be there for him...it is totally a routine surgery, so not too invasive...but still...

My family wants to go on a vacation over the Christmas Holidays...some interesting things came out of this conversation with my family...things I am still reeling over...moreso because of the gusto it took to get to this conversation...but it was positive and proactive, nonetheless...

I am going to conclude this installment of my semi-regular bemused nonesense with a quote that reminds me how great it is to be somewhere else:

"I lay my head against the sand. The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket. I lean against the wind, pretend that I am weightless, and in this moment I am happy..."



AY!! I am so bored it is ridiculous...I have work to do, but I REALLY dont feel like doing it...And wouldn't ya know, all the people I email on a regular basis to occupy my time have been really busy today and not been able to send me notes back and forth like usual...

Quick recap of what has been going on:
Friday: hung out in Santa Ana and watched "Secret Window"
Saturday: Dinner at Bucca di Beppo and a mini-party in honor of my fella and Andy
Sunday: In a nasty state of hang over and 100 degree heat I helped Luis move his furniture to Diamond Bar. We stayed at La Casa De Sanchez for some dinner and fun times.
Monday: BBQ at Eric's new VDC digs - met the new med students, swam, drank beer, ate burgers, watched a bootlegged copy of "Anchorman".
Tuesday: made some big decisions - decided it is time to go back to school (for real this time). I am starting my study regime effective monday 5pm...I am planning to take the GMAT in december and apply for next fall...We'll see if I can even get into a program with things being as they are these days...

Been trying to avoid the flagrant case of pink eye that is going around the office. I have been disinfecting EVERYTHING...and as power of suggestion would have it, my eyes have been really itchy today...


Thank my lucky stars it is the friday to a 3 day weekend!! Bring on the 4 day week! :)

I was angry yesterday and somewhere along the way I made my peace. Now, I am in such a great mood! Perhaps it is in the anticipation for the weekend...perhaps it is in the security of knowing everything is working out for the best...perhaps it is because I decided in my state of irritation that I am frankly exhausted from being stressed and angry. Life is waaaaaaaay to short to contribute so much energy to the things that negatively fuel me...perhaps it was the advice my fella lovingly provided...whatever the case, I feel more at ease...

Last night Luis and I went to hang out with Don & Vanessa in West Hollywood at their new digs. They have such a cute home and a sweet little puppy...I love spending time with happy people. Vanessa showed me their finished wedding album, we drank some beers, walked down La Brea past the Mann's Theatre and the Walk of Fame, ate dinner at Lucky Strike, chatted, and eventually Luis and I headed back to the OC. It was a good night :)


Things were working out too well for a while there...and now, in accordance with my pendulum theory, things are swinging in the opposite direction. Don't be fooled by my incessant melodrama...my life is good and I am a brat for complaining and being in a funk...but I honestly feel like I have slipped through the cracks with some things and I hate getting left behind more than anything else...

In a nutshell, things that have been promised to me have been delegated to others, which simply infuriates me. Don't tempt me with something and then rip it away in one fell swoop...I need to summon the courage for me to get off my ass and to move on, but it is so hard to break out of what is routine and comfortable. I vented to Luis at lunch - and I definately feel better about things...but I still feel like I have been partially deflated...Not to jump on the "whoa is me" train, because that is stupid and this problem is fixable...It is just up to me to do something about it...

I just wish I could figure some things out...or rather, I just wish the things I figured out happened the way I want them to...(shit, how naive do I sound....)

Yesterday went by so quickly - but it was fun!

After work I went on an adventure to pick up some of Luis's birthday goodies. Met him at his house with balloons and cake and his presents. After getting settled and watching him unwrap his stuff, we went to Benihana's for dinner. The chef was really cool and made a volcano out of onion. After dinner we went back to his place and drank some beer and had some strawberry ice cream cake.


First and foremost, a shout-out is in order:


I am finding it freaking hard to focus at work...I left both my brain and my work ethic in Cancun, I am convinced...

Last night I went for martinis with Julie and some of her Co-workers. Turns out the Irvine Marriott where Luis and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary has a cool jazz happy hour on tuesday nights. The raspberry mango martini I had was amazing! I think I am regaining my desire to drink...

Had lunch with the birthday boy...have a couple of tricks up my sleeve for tonight, if I can pull it off without spoiling the surprises. The real surprises come on saturday though...

My coworkers are having a huge political debate in the back of the office. I am fighting every urge in my being to go back there and hop on my soap box and advertise my two cents...