
Song of the week:"The Scene is Dead" by We Are Scientists

Just a few rambling musings on my mind...nothing of any importance or particular interest...

I have come to a realization: I MUST write for a music magazine at some point in my life...either my own pub or someone else's...but it must happen...And the longer I live in "The Orange Curtain", the more I feel an itch to move to LA..an itch I think I will need to scratch sooner than later...I found a KILLER job I could apply to in Pasadena today...It was right up my ally...But alas, I am stuck in my job...I can't up-and-leave them again so soon after coming back...That would be some shit...and some bad karma too, me thinks...

Speaking of work, I have been pulling disgusting hours...My boss had to make me go home today so I wouldn't puke at my desk. (An intense headache from staring at the computer for 10 straight hours - for the third day in a row - will do that to you.) But what was validating: she actually thanked me for busting my ass...And from her, that means a LOT. The old addage is true that you should be careful what you wish for...I wanted a job that forced me to think and use my brain...and let me tell you - I sure as shit have it...So, I suppose I should stop my bitching and deal with it - this is all self-induced.

So, despite living in chaos, life has been relatively good...I have decided to let go of some "demons", if you will...and I feel so much better about EVERYTHING...Life is far too short to have to stress about everything. And I have been incredibly worn out from trying to defend and explain my life and my choices to far too many people that I have decided I am just going to do what is best for me...The other junk always falls into place...And if people can't take the fact that I am happy - screw them. I don't need to do what everyone else has done to make it my own. You only walk this path once - and some of us have a much shorter walk than others - so I am going to stop and smell what ever damn flowers I choose. (whew...)

I have been attempting to flow the "espanol" con mi novio todos los dias...pero es mas dificil - especialmente que cuando estoy escribiendo en espanol mi cerebro esta muy cansada y no puedo pensar en igles bien en vez de espanol...(that was for you, babe.) :)

In the spirit of making my 2006 a year of "making 25 look good while living dangerously with adventure" (which I generally will just shorten to say "making 25 look good", upon which my friend Eve-Marie makes complete fun of me for being a lame ass), I have spent more time on the motocicleta...(sp?) which i must say, i have become utterly enamored...(so go ahead, everyone - call me a hypocrit...I deserve it.) I still worry from time to time about the bike, seeing as it carries precious cargo of mine (my boyfriend)...but it is damn fun...

And for my last trick: I have started something funny at work that has somewhat stuck, so to speak. We have our share of random jovialities and traditions at the Beacon. One of which being the crab (story to come in another post). I have officially started a new one: "The Ass Hat". If someone does something completely retarded, they get "The Ass Hat" for the week. I think I spoke with the most illiterate financial from Bank of New York last friday...and I have written documentation to prove it...So it is hanging in the kitchen at the office, in red ink printed atop the page "And the Ass Hat goes to..."

Hehe, that cracks me up...

Enough rambling...I'm gonna end it here....(and I am sure any who was so brave as to get this far into this post is heaving a fattie sigh of relief.)

I'm out.


"It is what it is..."

And so it goes...

I have come to realize that sometimes 20/20 hindsight can at times be a good thing...and can lead to a HUGE "I told you so" sort of moment...or maybe not...

Translation: there is serious drama here at work today...and for once, I am not the one bearing the brunt of the bitching...I am the one with the shoulder for the recipient of the bitching to cry on...and it made me truly appreciate all that I went through when I worked at UCI...because I realized...business is what it is...and in the words of my ever-so-blunt boss, "we are here to make our clients money and in turn make ourselves a lot of money...we are here to work - nothing more...we will be more successful at what we do when we take all the emotion out of it." Touche...

I am just super stoked that I wasn't the one who lost my cool...

But at the same time, I feel really bad for my coworker...She has been busting her ass for weeks on end only to get slapped in the face with a metaphorical wet fish, if you will...and to think, that could have been me...I can feel the acid in my stomach churning merely at the very thought...

Enough ambiguity...time for an update!

This past 3-day weekend was rad. Friday Luis came down to the OC and we dined on scrumptulescent Alberta's cuisine and watched movies...Saturday the "Irvine crew" came to my place to play the "Entourage" drinking game. 50 beers, 4 large pizzas, a bottle of Kahlua, some shots, and nearly a bottle of vodka later I know I was pretty wasted. Went to bed around 3am...Sunday was exciting! Luis and I went on an afternoon motorcycle ride around Schabarum Park (I have no idea how to spell that) in City of Industry, where we then went on a mini-hike. It was so awesome!! For dinner, we met up with Kika, Sebastian and Zoraida at Hometown Buffet, where I found a way to cram every last space in my belly with food. It was awesome. After, I rode back to the DB on the back of the bike...We went a little faster and it was so much fun!! I have a new appreciation for his bike...Monday I drove to Canoga Park, had lunch with Luis, went shopping for Valentine's Day goodies (haha), and hung out with Don & Vanessa until Luis got off work. Then, the four of us went to TGI Fridays (where some potential exciting news was shared - fingers crossed!!) for the three course dinner deal...Um, yes...it was awesome...

Yesterday I had to go to Santa Monica for more Wilshire training...got to know the new coworker a little better...had to go to class and endure the most boring of all marketing classes...buuuut, the instructor is cool, so i feel bad...i think the next one will be a little better...

Well, I suppose I should get back to running my asset allocations...




Hello blogger! It's been a while since I have had a robust post to publish...and as it stands, I know I really won't be able to capture the essence that has been my existence since the new year began...

Hurricane BINGE blew through on New Year's Eve...creating a wonderful drunken evening of fun at Butter with friends. Much alcohol was consumed...And we all learned one valuable lesson: Justin's in charge, you assholes! (Just in case anyone was wondering) :)

Last weekend was the culmination of 2 birthdays: Silvia & Vanessa respectively turned the quarter century mark. Friday, Luis and I drove to Pasadena to have a festive dinner in the honor of Ms. Ceballos's cumpleanos. Bar Celona is the trendy little Spanish restaurant off of Colorado that makes incredible mojitos. It was enjoyable...until poor Ruben had to be taken to the hospital...Luis and I walked up and down Colorado a bit - enjoying the evening and the pleasant company...After a bit, we headed back to Irvine for the night.

The following evening, was out of control. Don rented a limo for us to cruise down sunset strip, thus affording us all the opportunity to make many toasts in honor of Vanessa, without the concern of having to drive home. Upon entrance to Miyagi's, Vanessa, Nicole, and I were hoisted up on to the bar by the bouncer, where we remained for the rest of the time there to shake our asses for all of the bar to see. (I typically only engage in that sort of behaviour in Vegas, but what the hell! It was so much fun!!) So many things happened on this outing, that I really just dont have the energy to type it all...buuuut, there were cops hitting on nicole, there was a drunken trip to the Hustler store, there were lots of laughs, and most importantly - lots of good pics from the night.

The next day, the 6 of us headed to the LA Car show...which, by the way, is lots of fun...but better when there are less people...Oh yeah, and better still when NOT hungover as hell...After the car show, we ventured out to Olvera St. to feast on some kick ass mexican food. I got back to Irvine around 10:15, where I promptly passed out in my bed - only to have viscious nightmares about enormous and poisonous spiders trying to kill me...(yeah, I think it is random too!)

Luis and I both agree that there needs to be a chill weekend to accompany the back to back crazy ones...especailly because a vegas trip is impending on Super Bowl Weekend...(God only knows how crazy that is going to get...)

Other than that, work is getting busy again....I start classes tonight to finish my marketing certificate...my boyfriend is still the sexiest man alive and the best friend anyone could ever ask fo...and I think this year is going to be rad with a capital 'R'.

Rock out with your...well, you get the picture...


You Belong in London
A little old fashioned, and a little modern. A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.A unique woman like you needs a city that offers everything.No wonder you and London will get along so well.
What City Do You Belong In?