"If the party's over - if the fun has to end, can you do this for me my friend? Can you please bury me with it!"
A little Modest Mouse quote to get ya goin' in the morning! (It is from the song "Bury Me with It", which was just playing on my Launch Cast).
I am in such an amazing mood this morning!! I got to work a half an hour early. I had intended to come in at 7am, but when my boss heard me talking about it, she got mad and told me not to be silly and come in at my normal time...I figured I would compromise and get here at 7:30, since I am leaving at 2pm and have no real intentions of coming back in. :) The best thing is it is casual friday here at the office - which is a rare luxury that I am relishing!!
Last night Luis and I carved pumpkins - and I must say, they are most excellent (said ala Bill & Ted). We bought this carving kit and Luis did a pirate and I did a witch with a cauldron...They look so phenominal - I am so proud of our artistic efforts. If I can get my blog to work right, I will post the pictures...but it may take a week or so...
Knott's Scary Farm is tonight and I can't wait!! I love going - even if it is a hassle to get there. Julie, Kika, Luis and maybe Don & Vanessa and I are all going, and it should be rad. They said on the news this morning that it is going to be SUPER cold tonight though...only drawback...
Tomorrow night is the Halloween party, which I am also looking forward to. I hope I can pull my costume together in time...I am going to go as Rambo's chick...(and you guessed it...Luis is going as Rambo) Yeah, I know "Rambo's chick" isn't a real character in the movies, but we are going to roll with it...
I have been really bad about studying this week, which is really stupid of me...I need to hustle my ass into shape for this damn test...especially since I am losing another weekend next week when I hit up Ohio...
I got a bonus today on my pay check!! Lovely surprise when I checked my online banking and lo and behold there is extra money from Beacon Pointe!!
Wish me luck - I have to go to the dermatologist today....not fun dude...