
Not sure how to process all of the things that have happened to me this week and all the things that are about to happen from today onward...work has been decidedly strange - not bad, not good, just strange...people are leaving on trips and relocating to various destinations and it is all happening so much faster than i had ever expected...essentially, it isn't only work that feels strange, it is everything with which I am surrounded...I'm not complaining or anything - just trying to process it all...

I am going to Vegas on July 10th for one night and one night only. It is sure to be intense...I have been needing a break from the routine called employment...It is just going to be me and Silvia and we are undoubtedly going to rustle up some trouble. Best part is: I am flying!!

This week I have screwed up an account, gotten into a verbally explosive fight with my mom, almost got a "promotion", and have consumed more alcohol than I should...

I am ready for the weekend...


I am exhausted!

Another great weekend full of activity and sentiment...

*Thursday night pub/ice blocking
* Friday night party at the English Girls' place & party at the Irvine Meadows Trailer park. (went to bed at 5am) (Best quote of the weekend: "We need to go find Dustin in the trailer park!")Walked around campus with 40's and got hasseled by housing staff because they thought we were residents (too funny!)
* Saturday Dustin Graduated. Mat, Luis and I pummeled him with Silly String and Champagne (cooks, no less!). Drinks with the Shafae's at their hotel
* Saturday Luis and I also drove to LA to help celebrate with Don & Vanessa for her graduation. Good times!
* Sunday went to Dustin's grad. BBQ at Thomas's house. Keg of Pyramid Hef., Hanging out with the Sanchez family, getting thrown in the pool in my clothes, hanging out with Dana, eating and drinking tons.

It seems to me that in a blink of an eye life will be different...good-byes are only permanent if you want them to be...home is where you are comfortable...and no matter where you end up in the end, it is the experiences you have and the people you share them with along the way that make your life what it is...


Oh crap! No sooner did I type the words did things swing in the right direction! Last night as I blogged, I commented on the state of my employment. This morning upon my arrival to my lovely desk, I received notice of a breakfast meeting to be held next wednesday morning with me and my boss...Interesting...THEN, i get a handwritten note from my boss telling me how great of a job I am doing...more interesting...THEN I hear some other interesting chats about business (that I shouldn't discuss now)...(I don't want to jinx things)...hmmm...At least I don't think I am getting fired at our meeting, so that is a step in the right direction...What is strange about all this is I was just discussing my job with my mom and wondering if I was going about everything the right way....i guess so....

Last night I brought Luis dinner while he worked and then hung out to use the computer to look up travel stuff. Funny things happened in ET 652 - things that made me leave the room due to laughter...So, the Australia plan fizzled about as fast as it came into view...Doesn't look affordable...at least according to the travel agent...oh well! It was a good try! It is looking like Cancun again - and that is just as good. :-)

Graduations are this weekend...I can't believe it has already been a whole year since we walked...damn...time really flies...

Quote of the day: "Oh no way! I was totally kidding when I asked if the Fed Ex guy was hitting on you!!" hahahahaha = too funny...sad really, it doesn't take much in an office setting to humor people.

Well, I must end this entry here, as I must get back to my "busy work"... blah, blah blah!


Dude, so this summer vacation plan is starting to take some serious shape! There have been possible talks to venture "down under" to get in touch with my Aussie roots!! I know going for 8 days is kinda rushed, but what the hell! I mean, nothing is set in stone yet, but it is a potentiality - and that alone is enough to excite me beyond belief!! No matter where I go, I will have the time of my life - that is not a concern. I cannot wait for August!!!

Work is getting interesting. Two big referrals came knocking on our door this afternoon, which brings about an element of hope...Afterall, it has been said that with the more business that crosses our threshold, the better the opportunity for me to ever-so-slightly climb that corporate ladder. I have made it up the first couple of rungs without too much drama (well, at least nothing I couldn't get over) and now I am hungry for more. :-)


Amazing weekend!!

Luis and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary early by "going on vacation". This consisted of staying at a local hotel (to feel like we went out of town) and eating dinner at none other than Ruth's Chris (faaaaaancy!). We had a friend working at the hotel, and he gave us the inside info on the goings-on for this particular weekend: aparently, we stayed at the host hotel for the KROQ Weenie Roast, so all of the headliners and the like were staying there too. Let me just say this: we partied with the rockstars. (hehehe) :-)

After consuming an entire bottle of pink champagne (with chocolate covered strawberries), the two of us made our way to our dinner reservations. Dinner was incredible!! We sat at the bar to wait for our table and had some cocktails. Once we were seated, we ordered a shrimp apetizer and a half-bottle of wine. We ate our entrees, ordered an after-dinner drink and then called our free shuttle to come pick us up.

The next morning, we ordered room service (because we could, and we were still "on vacation"), checked out, and then headed back to my place, where we met up with my cousins and grandparents. After a quick hello with them, Luis and I then made our way to Diamond Bar, where I had the pleasure of meeting a couple of Luis's cousins from Colombia. I had been amped to speak spanish, but when given the opportunity, I froze like an ice cube...After some pleasantries, we all made our way to Cal Poly Pomona, where we watched Daniel walk. Graduations are always so exciting!! After the ceremony, we all went to Buca di Beppo for his graduation dinner.

As the weekend came to a close, I grew more and more fatigued. I crashed early and woke up refreshed...

I love a good vacation.


Too funny! Watch "Republican Survivor" at www.dtriptv.com. hahahaha!!

highlights of more to come later:

*birthday dinner
*Knott's Berry Farm
*weekly update from the office :-)


I am truly elated - bringing in 23 in the happiest of spirits!!

Last night my "mystery birthday surprise" was tickets to see Dashboard Confessional at the Bren. All I can say is this: "H-O-T". The night was amazing! I hung out with Erika, Meera, Mat, Dan, Eric, Yvonne, Luis - good times! And, he even played my favorite Dashboard song, which completely made my night! I truly have the greatest boyfriend anyone could ever ask for!! And even though he couldn't be there for all of it, knowing that he made last night possible meant so much!! At one point he even pushed groups of screaming girls out of my way so i could get closer to the stage...I am one lucky lady!!

Today has been pretty good so far. I just had a celebratory lunch with my Colombian, Dustin, and Thomas at the Food Court at Fashion Island and and ice cream cone to boot!! Tonight I am hoping to go to Wingnuts adn then, if I play my cards right, maybe to Patrick's Pub for a birthday drink - but i am not sure on that one yet...Molly came by this morning to my office and brought me birthday bagels and coffee and a hug to start my morning. Julia called my cell phone and sang the whole "happy birthday song" which brought a HUGE smile to my face...I am blessed to have such caring and wonderful people in my life!!

i suppose i should get back to work...


I am one satisfied chica :-)


Monday again...

The weekend was chaotic, but rad.

Went to the Campus Rep Banquet and saw some peeps I hadn't talked to in a while. Went back to Luis's and drank a bit, then hit up the midnight tour. Lots of fun but absolutely wiped out. Got to bed around 4am.

First time I didn't have to follow up the midnight tour with the retreat the next day. Slept in a little. My man made me breakfast. Went home to find Molly and her older brother. Did laundry. Laid out by the pool. Cleaned a bit. Went to Westwood with Luis and Dustin and met up with Don & Vanessa. Drove to Old Town Pasadena and went to dinner at Il Fornaio. Went to McMurphy's to party it up - met up with Silvia, Sandra, Daisy, & Laura. Had a shot of hypnotic, two red-headed sluts (drinks I wish i hadn't had), and many vodka tonics. Danced on stage. Many laughs and good memories...

AIDS walk - a good deed and good exercise. BBQ at the fella's house followed. Hung out with Luis's friends Cliff & Tan, which are really cool guys. Watched the Laker game and passed out early from lack of sleep over the weekend.

mystery date with my colombian boyfriend for an early birthday treat. hehehee!


And so starts yet another one of the longest weekends of our young lives!

And the cool part is it is usually a really fun weekend!!

Midnight Tour
Hanging out
Going Out
Other cool ish...

No sleep and lots of laughs, I am sure...

It is funny, I am not even a student anymore, but I am taking the opportunity to pretend while I can!

I have so much to talk about and no time to jot it down...

maybe I can do some catching up on saturday if I have time. :-)


Quick post to jog my memory for when i go to update in full later...Here are some brief highlights:

*Get rich quick
*Lots of alcohol
*Shrek 2
*BBQ x2
*lovin the 3 day weekend
*pub thurday night
*hanging out with an old friend
*a clean room! (finally)
*getting a toutorial on how to add links to my blog from the sexiest man alive :-)

all in all - good weekend

Had lunch with G & P today - on the slate for them: lots of travel...wish I could too...

Now, time to hustle my ass at work...