
speak and spell
You're a Speak & Spell!! You nerd, you. Just
because you were disguised as a toy doesn't
mean you weren't educational, you sneaky

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hahaha - I really am a nerd! This is actually kind of ironic that I got this of all toys... Quizzes are entertaining...

I am actually going to pub night tonight and I am kinda stoked! I have been wanting to go out lately, so this is a good start.

I am not going to head home this weekend as originally planned...Not sure how I really feel about that move, but I think it was for the best for now. Although I am a bit bummed that I won't get to hang with some of my aussie cousins on this go-around...oh well, next year, I hope.

Molly and I are potentially having a BBQ on Sunday to help celebrate this fabulous up-coming three day weekend! Sweet! Two long weekends in a row for me!!

The maddening headache that has been fogging my brain for the last 2 days has finally eased up a bit and I am in the best mood!!

Aaaah...I love having days when nothing can bring you down!!!


My weekend was eventful - and it really started on wednesday night. I went out with my fella to Old Spaghetti Factory in Newport (which is cool cuz it is where we had our first date) and we sat near where we did that night in the train car. We had a bottle of wine (hot!) and fun conversation. Observed "newport" types brag about boats and cars and new houses and heard teenage relationships falter in arguments...then, went to walk around the beach and drove for a bit, and eventually decided that it would be better to head to my house and make drinks. Gelson's stayed open just for us to buy some juice (again, hot!) and we proceded to head out and make mixed drinks.

Thursday I only worked until noon then caught a train to san diego to hang with the padres. (my parents i mean, not the baseball team). I had a custom-made bloody mary and read my book in peace. Got down to SD and hit up the Hotel Del Coronado. My mom and I found the bar and the 72 hours of social drinking/schmoozing began. For reasons too long to list, I was un-invited to the dinner on the thursday night. My parents felt soooo bad, but promised me we could all go out after the ceremony, so instructed me to get ready anyhow and enjoy the evening and I could meet up after. Feeling all dressed up with no where to go and no one to go with, I meandered along the beach feeling sorry for myself. Not the best time to learn about lap dances (but that really didn't bother me either...i was just busy being in a funk). Someone thought I was a "call girl" which made me feel even better (note: sarcasm). I eventually met up with my parents and all was better.

Friday was the Christening. So rad! Champagne bottle broke on the first swing (and it is bad luck if it doesn't) and there were streamers coming down from the bow and they saluted the port - HOT! I loved it and took tons of pictures! Lunch followed with more cocktails and schmoozing. After, we moved to a new hotel down town and chilled.

Saturday: took a tour on a vessel that goes on land AND the water. Cool stuff. Then went to an Irish pub for dinner and beers. Then my mom and I went to Old Town and walked around and took a nighttime ghost tour of san diego, which was cheesy, but really fun. Got back to the hotel and called my dad and then hit up one of the lounges in the hotel around 11.

Sunday: woke up early, got room service, my parents left an hour before me to make the airport, i checked out , took a cab, hopped on my train and went back to the OC. Hugged my boyfriend on the train platform, went on a shopping excursion, went with luis to find a desk, "helped" him put together said desk, rented a movie, fell asleep...i realized just how much i am going to miss him when he goes to colombia.

today: at work and wishing it were the weekend again so i can relax...i am so lazy! however, i have been asked to give "input" at work...that is always cool!! I am feeling really good about the week.

now, must go place the lunch orders for the office



rock on...

I am not a huge fan of bad news right when i walk through the door in the morning...

oh well...

must rise above the office drama and fix it...

Last night went out with Silvia -- lots of fun!! it is always good to catch up on life with a good friend.

I have a loaner car at the moment (as my car is being fixed yet again) and I scored a bitchin' SUV! hehehehehe - it was a fun drive this morning up from laguna niguel.

Lunch with G&P today - should be nice. I really like how we have been trying to hang out at least once a week. I take them for granted and that needs to change.



What Quirk From THE OC Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Oh my God this is hillarious!!

Last night I went to the block and had an opportunity to hang out with Meera. It was great to hear about her trip and to reflect on various subjects that are often on the brain.

So I have been trying to figure out how to add links to other blogs and it is quite frustrating, as I think I am doing it right, I republish and then nothing happens...grrr...

This week is shaping up to be crazy busy with all the social activities I have planned. Tonight (i think) I am going to Brea to hang with Silvia for dinner. Tomorrow, I am going to lunch with my grandparents and then maybe at night hang out with my fella.
Thursday, work till noon then take the train to san diego to hang with the parents. Friday is the ship christening. saturday is catch up day with the folks. Sunday, back on the train and back to the OC...I am pretty stoked, as I enjoy the train more than most...

I am not in the mood to focus on this stuff today...then again, am I ever in the mood to focus on work?

I really want to take some sort of high-impact, crazy endurance-testing sort of work-out class. I feel so out of shape, but I know that lately when I go to work out, I am not really working hard...I want to do something that is going to benefit my body, not just pass the time.

Last night's conversations about "where we are going to end up in life" really made me think. I am not worried about what's going to happen, as I truly believe that things fall into place the way they are meant to...But instead I was yet again thinking about whether or not I am settling professionally on a steady pay check instead of going after what I have been dreaming about. I am torn between reality and the imagination and questioning which of the two is the "safe" bet...But if I play it safe all my life, does that really get me anywhere? I have been making strides lately to encourage personal strenght in my business behavior, and not to proverbially pat myself on the back, but I am proud of myself for being able to take a stand and hold on to my convictions. I am figuring the only way to move up (in any profession) is not just to be seen working hard day in and day out, but at the same time to be heard...I am simply looking to command respect...

Stream of consciousness writing really is cathartic...


Keep your fingers crossed!! I just submitted my vacation request for the summer....

I am praying it goes through...

Monday is here and I am mentally not...Not too sure why, but I am exhausted...perhaps it is because I have been lost in thought lately...Or perhaps it is in anticipation for the business that is this week...For one reason or another, I am pooped...

This weekend:
Saw "Van Helsing" friday night in Puente Hills with Luis and his cousins
ran errands with Molly
Hung out with my granparents on saturday
got my hair cut
Spent some quality time with my boyfriend
Went to the viewing/rosary for Luis's grandpa

I have been reminded how nice it is to be able to say prayers from church from memory...And also, it is nice to be reminded of the serenity prayer, which can do us all some good from time to time...religious or not...the message is profound...

I have been driven to thought more and more lately...more to come on my musings about life later on...

As for today - looking forward to hanging out with Meera at the Block tonight!!


Lunch with the boss today!! I have some things to get off my chest...

Notary test (again) tomorrow...

haircut tomorrow...

date night tomorrow :-)

I am in need of a vacation -- worked until 6:30pm last night...

Have been trying to customize my blog with links but it won't work for some reason...


Laker game was amazing last night...


Dude, the weekend was chill...

Friday: went for a drive down PCH with my new CD's loaded in the car and a full tank of gas...So relaxing. Then, drove to Santa Ana to watch the "Last Samurai" with the fellas.

Saturday: Woke up, crusied over the Albertos and grubbed on a breakfast burrito. Went to a motorcycle store with my Colombian, and then went home to lay out by the pool. After a couple of hours of crisping, went inside to clean and start laundry. Later that night, Andy and Luis came over and we BBQ'd burgers and corn and beans, then went to the spa. After relaxing in the spa, we went back up to the apartment to watch "Desperado", where I fell sound asleep within the first 20 minutes of the flick.

Sunday: Relaxed in my robe with a mug of coffee. Then, drove to SJC to take the grandparents out for a champagne brunch for Mother's day. Very nice -- good food -- good conversations about life and experiences and tansitions and things of that sort. Learned some things I never knew about my grandparents. It was really quite nice.

Today: I am wishing allergies didn't exist, as I can't breathe without coughing...the funny part is i sound 1000 times worse than i feel...


Drinko de Mayo was such fun! Good eats and beer!! mmmm mmmm good!!

We watched the season finale of the OC last night -- and as my good friend Dustin mentioned this morning in an email, "[we] miss it already"...what was strange about the last episode, is it may be the last new episode that we all watch together for a really long time, as a few of us will be changing location all too soon...enough sad talk...

tonight is the last friends episode...my friend flaked on me (again) so now i am not even sure if i am gonna watch it...we shall see...

Goin to lunch with my Colombian fella at In'n'Out -- I love their animal fries!!!

As for this weekend, the only thing I have planned is taking my grandma to brunch on sunday morning for Mother's Day, since I wont be home to take my mama...I have pretty much decided to go home for memorial weekend, i just have to buy my tickets ($$$$ drain...) I bought train tickets today for when i go down to san diego in a couple of weeks to go to the ship christening.


Shake-n-Bake chicken is the best!

Made dinner with Luis at his house last night and then watched a show about the history of hot dogs. after, i went home and slept.

Cinco de Mayo today -- going to a BBQ at the fellas' place and then the OC finale will follow...good times to be sure.

i am frustrated about something at work...well, more like someone...i got "chewed out" for something good i did...it pisses me off when people preech about the necessity of "being a team player" but refuse to be one themselves...it's a damn shame that overinflated self-importance has to get in the way of some pretty cool things...Like the old expression: "It just takes one to ruin it for everyone else."

Haven't seen my roommate since late friday (and that was only for 5 minutes)...she probably went to go party it up in sb for the "holiday"...must be nice...


Okay, so "10.5" was the cheesiest shit I think I have ever sat down and intended to watch...I watched for the hype of the "special effects"...and I think by *special* they meant it in the *little school bus* sort of way...I kind of liked how they did the space needle collapse, but the rest was so lame...but good drinking game material...

Speaking of drinking game...the "OC" season finale is tomorrow and I am looking forward to it...

Okay, just got a hopeful phone call...my boss is talking about my potential again and it is enough to excite me...I think I liked learning the Schwab aspect of the business and I woulddn't mind working on the accounts management aspect...but that job is hard core...As my boss said "well, who knows what this quarter is going to bring." What is actually kinda scary about all this is I can see a CAREER in this...damn, that is so weird...

Things I want to do this summer (starting ASAP):

*Party like a rock star in vegas (again)
*Save money
*Look into getting my car windows tinted
*Go to mexico for a week
*Get back into tennis
*Get on a routine work-out plan
*Hang out tons with the girls
*Go to Santa Barbara/Solvang (but just once) to see how life has changed...
*Cook more
*Make more time to read instead of watching tv

This weekend was good. I hung out with the parentals in Coronado/San Diego. My mom and I hung out and chatted and walked around and did the jacuzzi scene. We BBQ'd like everynight...drank...watched cheesy tv...went downtown to go shopping (for work attire) and I did a superman-like face plant into the middle of a crosswalk and skinned my knees...I haven't done something like that since i was in elementary school...it was incredibly funny...and a bit embarrassing. I realize how much i miss hanging out with my parents. They are cool people that I don't ever get to spend time with...I am debating going home for memorial day...we shall see...

I am the luckiest girl in the world :-)
I have amazing people around me that bring out the best in life...



busy weekend

road rash

not much sleep

heat wave

pina coladas


jacuzzi with no bubbles

I love San Diego

Full update to come...but for now, I have been up since 4:30am and I have been at work since 7am and all I want to do is sleep peacefully in a bed that is actually comfortable...

send me vibes to keep me awake...


getting silly...